International Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Day
September 20 was declared as International Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Day. International cancer organizations ESGO and ENGAG encourage women in more than 20 countries to work together with GODay — a world without gynecological cancer.
In 2018, more than 1.3 million women worldwide were diagnosed with gynecological cancers: About 44% are cervical cancers, 23% — new cases of ovarian cancer, 29% — endometrial cancer, and another 5% — other focalizations.
468,000 women worldwide died of gynecological cancers in 2018. 67% of these cases were cervical cancer (CC). Gynecological cancer affect approximately 98,000 women a year in the United States, and 58,000 women with cervical cancer are diagnosed annually in Europe. The general awareness of gynecological cancer among the female population is still significantly low.
International GO Day aims to raise women's awareness of risk factors, recognize signs and take measures to fight against cancer with the international campaign ‘GO for… Awareness, Action, Hope, Life’, which takes place simultaneously in more than 20 countries on 20 September.
‘We hope that our close cooperation with other interested parties and groups in public awareness campaign will raise awareness and improve prevention and early detection of gynecological cancer. International GO Day is a collaborative global effort to improve survival rates and quality of life for women around the world,’ — says ESGO President Denis Kerley.
Note that gynecological cancer is preventable. Regular screening and check-ups, as well as lifestyle can protect against cancer. Keep in mind that early diagnosis of cancer is the chance to completely cure it. Ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, and endometrial cancer are the most common cancers affecting women.
Founded in 2012, the largest European network Gynecological Cancer Advocacy Groups (ENGAG) represents a group of patients affected by all types of gynecological cancer, from the rarest to the most common, in particular: ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, and cervical cancer. ENGAG is the voice of gynecological cancer patients in Europe.
About ESGO
ESGO is Europe's leading gynecological cancer organization dedicated to improvement of survival and quality of life of European women with gynecological (genital and breast cancer) cancer promoting the prevention, treatment and research of gynecological cancers and educating healthcare professionals and researchers around the world.
Since its founding in 1983, ESGO has been a growing non-profit organization and forum for more than 2,500 professionals from 40 countries leading its path to achieve the highest quality care for women with gynecological cancer.