XV International Congress of the Russian Society of Oncourology Professionals
Dear Colleagues!
We look forward to welcoming you at the XV International Congress of the Russian Society of Oncourology Professionals on September 30 – October 2, 2020.
The Russian Society of Oncourology Professionals includes scientists and medical specialists from all areas of science and medicine who study urological oncological diseases and provide professional assistance to patients.
One and a half month is left until the annual event, where highly experienced specialists will present the topics in detail:
- Kidney cancer
- Prostate cancer
- Bladder cancer
The Congress annually brings together more than a thousand delegates from Russia, as well as countries of the near and far abroad. For many of the participants, this is not only a professional event, but also a platform to meet friends, colleagues, and like-minded people.
Due to global epidemiological situation, this year the event will be online in order to provide opportunity for participation for every interested specialist.
Our experience over the past months demonstrates that online medical events are most effective and convenient for all participants. This is an exceptional opportunity to be together, being at a distance from each other anywhere in the world.
In order to ensure comfort for everyone, the participation in the event is free.
Participation requires registration at http://www.roou-congress.ru/registration
See detailed information on the Congress at http://roou.ru/events/xv-mezhdunarodnyiy-kongress-rossiyskogo-obshhestva-onkourologov