Importance of nutritional screening and treatment within a multidisciplinary setting
How aware is surgical oncology community of the importance of nutritional screening and treatment within a multidisciplinary setting? In this webinar, speakers will give an actual snapshot of the assessment and accessibility to nutritional risk treatments in surgical cancer patients, and underline the importance of a multidisciplinary team to define efficient strategies that can improve quality of care and the effectiveness of a correct approach even in challenging situations as cachexia.
The webinar will take place on 9th December 2021 at 6PM - 7.30PM CET. It will be moderated by Sergio Sandrucci, San Giovanni Battista Hospital, Turin, IT and with presentation from Jann Arends, Tumor Biology Center Freiburg, Freiburg (DE) and Andreas Brandl, Champalimaud Foundation, Lisbon (PT).
The registration is free for both members and non-members.
More info: essoweb.org/courses/esso-webinar-are-espen-esmo-cachexia-guidelines-important-surgical-oncologists