IX International Scientific-Practical Conference "Avicenna’s Readings"
Avicenna Public Foundation together with Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Bukhara region khokimiat, Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Avicenna and Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan are cordially invite you to participate in the IX International Scientific-Practical Conference "Avicenna’s Readings" on the topic "The significance of the scientific and cultural heritage of Ibn Sino (Avicenna), it’s role in the development of the Sciences" to be held November 24–25th, 2017 in Bukhara city (Uzbekistan). In the abovementioned international Event will participate foreign scientists and specialists from Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Germany, Holland, Turkey, France, Israel, Russia, Azerbaijan, India, Indonesia, Korea and etc.
Main scientific directions of the event:
- The influence of the Avicenna’s heritage to the development of the modern medicine
- The role of the scientific works of Avicenna to the development of the traditional medicine
- The role of Avicenna’s doctrine in the development of pharmacy
- Avicenna’s doctrine and formation of the principles of healthy-life style
- Scientific contribution of Avicenna to development of the exact Sciences
- Scientific contribution of Avicenna to development of the humanities
- Scientific contribution of Avicenna to development of the natural sciences
- Aspects of enlightenment and spirituality in the works of Avicenna
- Musicology and poetry in the heritage of Avicenna
Avicenna Public Foundation is planning to publish all scientific theses and abstracts in the special scientific collection (booklet).
Types of participation:
- publishing of the abstracts and articles (in English, Russian or Uzbek languages).
- publishing of the abstracts and articles + report (in English, Russian or Uzbek languages).
Themes of the abstracts and articles should be directly correlated with the of Avicenna’s doctrine and accordingly scientifically and practically grounded. The same author can participate only with two abstracts or articles.
Selection of abstracts will be made by the Editorial Board that will inform the authors about their inclusion in the lists of reporters of the international conference by October 20-th, 2017. From October 10-th, 2015 you can find theses (included into scientific collection) and the program of the international conference on the website of Avicenna Public Foundation: ibn-sino.uz.
Requirements to the theses:
- Size — 1 page in the format of А4; font — Тimes New Roman, font size — 14; left indent — 3cm; right indent — 1.5 cm, space before and space after — 2 cm, line spacing — 1.0.
- The title of the thesis has to be typed in the capital letters in the middle of the page. In the next line indicate the surname and initial letters of authors. Their scientific rank and positions should not be mentioned. Also, by the next line should be mentioned the full name of organization, city, country. It is very important to underline the surname of the reporter. After the text of the thesis the authors should provide additional information (place of work, position, scientific degree) and address (phone number, e-mail etc)
- Authors should entirely explain all the abridgements and abbreviations of the words in the first their using in the text.
- Theses are accepted in English, Uzbek and Russian languages.
The deadline of confirmation for participation — October 10th, 2017.
The deadline for sending theses — October 10th, 2017.
Scientific theses and abstracts should be sent to avicenna.abstracts@yandex.ru.
The contact data:
Avicenna Public Foundation, 5a, Parkent st., Tashkent, 100007, Uzbekistan
Phone/fax: (+998 71) 268-08-97, (+998 93) 557-48-01
Email: ibnsino2013@yandex.com