HPV Latency is it real and does it matter?
IPVS is pleased to announce the first session of our Educational Webinar Series for 2021.
- Dr. Anna-Barbara Moscicki, Professor of Pediatrics, University of California, Los Angeles
- Prof. John Doorbar, Division of Virology, Department of Pathology, University of Cambridge, UK
- Prof. M. Stanley, Emeritus Professor of Epithelial Biology, Department of Pathology, University of Cambridge
Session description:
Epidemiology studies have shown intermittent detection of the same HPV type occurs in some women. In addition, women that report celibacy have been shown to have incident infections. These observations have brought into question the role of latency vs new cervical infections from either a partner or autoinoculation. Data will be presented that show the strong association with sexual behavior and repeat detection. Clinical data shows that a positive HPV cervical cancer screening test preceded by a negative test is associated with very little risk of CIN 3+ suggesting these are new infections. However, this also suggests that if this is a latent infection, clinically it may not be relevant as well. Data will be shown that intermittent positive tests over prolonged periods, however, do represent risk of CIN 3+ in the rare case.
Presentation 30 minutes, 30 minutes for Q&A. This session is live and free of charge. Please join us.
Register now: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Z_yLslmQSVGMlUFuEi-1uA