ESSO Webinar: “Neoadjuvant or Adjuvant Treatments in Malnourished or at risk of Malnutrition Cancer Patients”
This interactive webinar will be presented by Sergio Sandrucci MD, Marco Braga MD and Jozsef Lovey MD on Monday 21st September at 18:00 CET.
One of the major challenges in the clinical management of a cancer patient is maintaining adequate nutrition during treatment. In addition, it is not uncommon for cancer therapies to severely impair a patient’s nutritional status. The aim of this webinar is to underline the current evidence on the benefits of nutrition intervention in surgical oncology patients facing neoadjuvant treatments; highlight perioperative nutrition care guidelines for oncology patients; and explain how to implement nutrition guidelines into clinical practice to improve oncologic outcomes.
Expected educational outcomes
Attendants will be able to interpret and apply nutrition concepts to evaluate and improve the nutritional health of surgical oncology patients to be submitted to preoperative neoadjuvant treatments or postoperative treatments, and to be aware of the importance of a good nutrition status to limit surgical morbility.
Target particpant:
- Surgeons
- Radiation Oncologists
- Medical Oncologists
- Oncology Nurses
- Dietitians
Streaming link: https://www.essoweb.org/courses/esso-webinar-neoadjuvant-or-adjuvant-treatments-malnourished-or-risk-malnutrition-cancer-patients/