CVCs World Wide Live
We are pleased to invite you to the first CVCs World Wide Live hosted by B. Braun Melsungen AG.
Time: Wednesday, October 7, 2020 at 19:00-20:30 (Uzbekistan time)
English language
Speakers: international key opinion leaders in the field of central venous catheter placement from Italy, Brazil and Germany
Target audience: Anesthesiologists, intensive care physicians, surgeons, vascular access nurses
Topics under discussion: ECG-guided tip position control during central venous catheter placement, questions and answers.
Cost: free. You can send an invitation link for this email to your fellow doctors, friends who may be interested in how to improve the positioning of the central venous catheter tip with an affordable, accurate and reliable technique (ECG monitoring with Certodyn®) (anesthesiologists, intensive care physicians, surgeons, vascular access nurses or any other healthcare professional) please help them register: https://www.bbraun.com/en/products-and-therapies/infusion-therapy/CertofixCentralVenousCatheterSets.html