On August 28, 2020, specialists from Uzbekistan excellently spoke during the conference
On August 28, 2020, specialists of the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan excellently spoke during the conference of the Association of Directors of Centers and Institutes of Oncology and X-ray Radiology of the CIS and Eurasia ‘Oncological rehabilitation. Current trends and prospects’.
During the conference, Uzbekistan was represented by the following doctors chairing the affiliated meeting:
- Tillyashaikhov Mirzagolib Nigmatovich , Leading Scientist, Surgeon-Oncologist, Professor, Director of the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology, Chief Oncologist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan (affiliated meeting No. 1)
- Polatova Jamila Shagayratovna, Scientific Director of the Department of Tumors of Musculoskeletal System, M.D., Senior Researcher of the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Professor of the Department of Oncology in the Tashkent Medical Academy, Secretary General of the Oncologists Association of Uzbekistan (affiliated meeting No. 2)
- Akhmedov Odiljon Mukhamedjanovich, Chief Medical Officer of the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ph.D. (affiliated meeting No. 7)
- Madiyorov Bakhtiyor Tashpulatovich, Ph.D., Senior Researcher (affiliated meeting No. 2)
- Kamyshov Sergey Viktorovich, Department Manager, M.D., Chief Scientific Officer (affiliated meeting No. 9)
- Khasanov Akbar Ibragimovich, Department Manager, Professor (affiliated meeting No. 3)
- Ibragimov Shavkat Narzikulovich, Scientific Director of the Department of Radiotherapy, M.D. (affiliated meeting No. 4)
The following doctors from Uzbekistan delivered their reports during the conference:
- Savkin Alexander Vladimirovich, Oncologist - theme: ‘Pressing concerns in the rehabilitation of patients with tumors of the musculoskeletal system’
- Alimkhodzhaeva Lola Telmanovna, Department Manager, M.D., Chief Scientific Officer – theme: ‘Psychological characteristics of breast cancer patients and optimization of psychotherapeutic care’
- Madiyorov Bakhtiyor Toshpulatovich, Senior Researcher, Ph.D. – theme: ‘Nutritional insufficiency in esophageal cancer. A modern view on the problem’
- Kamyshov Sergey Viktorovich, Department Manager, M.D., Chief Scientific Officer, theme – ‘Correction of toxicity of immuno-oncological medicines as a component of malignant tumors therapy’
- Zakirova Nargiza Nematovna, Department Manager, M.D., Chief Scientific Officer, theme – ‘Psychological and emotional aspects of rehabilitation of fertile patients with gestational trophoblastic disease’
Congratulations to our colleagues!
Detailed information: http://adior-breastcancer.ru