International Gynecological Cancer Awareness Day
On September 18, at 12:00 Tashkent time, there will be an online webinar confined to the International Gynecological Cancer Awareness Day organized by the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology (RSSPMCOR), the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Oncologists Association of Uzbekistan.
The following speakers will address during the webinar:
1. Kaydarova Dilyara Radikovna – M.D., Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the Board of KazNIIOR JSC – subject of a report – ‘Measures to combat cervical cancer in Kazakhstan’ (Kazakhstan)
2. Matylevich Olga Pavlovna – Chief Scientific Officer in the Laboratory of Oncogynecology under the Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Oncology and Medical Radiology State Institution named after N.N. Aleksandrov - subject of a report – ‘Systemic chemotherapy in the therapy of locally advanced cervical cancer: a review of modern approaches and trends’
3. Khadjieva Aiset Isaevna – Associate Scientist, Moscow Scientific Research Institute named after P. A. Herzen – Branch of National Medical Research Center of Radiology Federal State Budgetary Institution under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation – subject of a report – ‘PDT for the treatment of HPV-associated diseases in gynecology’ (Russia)
4. Akhmedov Odiljon Mukhamedjanovich – Chief Medical Officer of the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan (RSSPMCOR), Ph.D. – subject of a report – ‘Radical abdominal trachelectomy. Our experience’ (Uzbekistan)
5. Zakhirova Nargiza Nematovna - Scientific Director of the Department of Tumors of the Female Reproductive System in the RSSPMCOR, M.D. – subject of a report – ‘The UN Global Joint Program for the Elimination of Cervical Cancer: Achievements and Prospects in the Republic of Uzbekistan’ (Uzbekistan)
Broadcast language: Russian
Join Zoom meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3754847216?pwd=WmNTa044UDNRcUo1RnE5ZVBDd2JwUT09
Conference ID: 375 484 7216
Access code: 654321