Founder of the country's Head and Neck Cancer Surgery, M.D., Professor Yusupov Bakhrom Yusupovich, died
The Republican specialized scientific and practical medical center of oncology and radiology and Oncology association of Uzbekistan expresses condolence to family members of Yusupov Bakhrom Yusupovich due to his death.
On July 17 this year, one of the leading oncologists, who is considered the founder of the country's Head and Neck Cancer Surgery, M.D., Professor Yusupov Bakhrom Yusupovich, died.
Yusupov Bakhrom Yusupovich was born on December 3, 1949 in Pskent district of Tashkent region. In 1966-72, he graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry of the Tashkent State Medical Institute and worked as an assistant at the Department of Normal Anatomy of the Central Asian Pediatric Institute from 1972 to 1978.
From 1978 to the present day, having started as a resident physician in the Department of Head and Neck Cancer in the Republican Scientific Research Institute of Oncology and Radiology, he worked as Head of the Department and Chief Medical Officer. In recent years, he shared his rich experience with young students.
In 1991, he successfully defended a doctoral dissertation, and master's dissertation in 2007.
B.Yu. Yusupov headed the integration of combined head and neck surgery, сoncomitant therapy, radiation therapy, methods of chemotherapy and cryotherapy, rehabilitation of defects, i.e. consequences of major surgery or reconstructive surgery. Besides, he organized advice and assistance, master classes on high-tech practices and lectures for oncologists in all regions of the Republic. He was considered the country's master specialist in oncology, as well as in head and neck cancer surgery.
He published about 160 articles and theses, and wrote 2 monographs. Bakhrom Yusupovich headed the defence of one doctoral and two master's dissertations in medical sciences.
Thanks to his hospitality, diligence, patriotism, good organizational competence, and accomplishment, Bakhrom Yusupovich gained an excellent reputation not only in our center but among employees of the entire republican medicine and oncology system.
Following an example of their farther, the children of B.Yu. Yusupov became leading medical specialists and occupy leading positions in various spheres of our healthcare system.
Bakhrom Yusupovich will remain in our hearts as a kind father, devoted mentor and demanding leader.
The Oncology Association of Uzbekistan expresses its deep condolences to the relatives and family of Yusupov Bakhrom Yusupovich.