Round table in the implementation of the project "Life without nasvay"

Round table in the implementation of the project "Life without nasvay"

The branch of the Ibn Sino public foundation in the Tashkent region within the framework of the project "Life without nasvay" in the Tashkent region is planning to organize a series of round tables.

So, on September 30 in Tashkent, within the framework of the project "Life without nasvay", in close cooperation with the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, the Health Department in the Tashkent region, the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Association of Oncologists of Uzbekistan informational and preventive round tables were held.

As part of the events held, popular science reports on the dangers of nasvay and diseases caused by its use were heard.

From the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology (RSSPMCOR), the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan made a presentation:

- Bekmurzaev Rakhimzhon Melikuzievich - Oncologist of the Head Neck Tumor Department.

Took part:

- Amanov Anvar Ilkhamovich Oncologist, Head and Neck Tumor Department, RSSPMCOR

- Shukurov Zokhir Ibragimovich Oncologist, Head and Neck Tumor Department, RSSPMCOR

- Khidoyatov Murod Sarvarovich, Oncologist, Head and Neck Tumor Department, RSSPMCOR

- Abdikarimov Aziz Khurshidovich, Oncologist, Head and Neck Tumor Department, RSSPMCOR

Within the framework of the project "Life without nasvay", the participants of the round tables were distributed thematic booklets and showed short videos about the dangers of using nasvay.

Information and preventive work on the dangers of nasvay continues in 19 districts of the Tashkent region.

In October 2020, it is planned to hold a similar round table in close cooperation with the Agency for Youth Affairs of Uzbekistan.


For information

There are more and more studies in the world that argue that the use of nasvay and cigarettes not only negatively affects human health, but also can reduce immunity, which is especially bad in the context of the spread of coronavirus.

Nasvayi is a smokeless tobacco product traditional for the states of Central Asia, Afghanistan, some regions of China, India. The main components of nasvay are tobacco and alkali (slaked lime), chicken manure or camel dung. Also, the product may contain vegetable oil and other components. Seasonings may be added to enhance the flavor.

In the handicraft production of nasvay, plant ash can be used as an alkali instead of hydrated lime. Slaked lime or ash change the acidity of the medium (to the alkaline side) and accelerate the absorption of nicotine into the blood through the vessels of the oral mucosa.

According to laboratory studies, toxic elements such as mercury, cadmium, arsenic and lead are present in nasvay. The doses of these poisons are much higher than the norm. Not to mention bacteria and helminths that can be cultivated under unsanitary production and storage conditions.
